Sunday, August 2, 2009

Young Life Confusion Mixer

instruction printouts

Hand out a sheet and pen to everyone and have them get signatures or initials of the different categories. The first one to get them all wins.
  1. Find someone who has a birthday in February and have him/her initial here. __________________
  2. Find someone who has been to Colorado before and leapfrog over him/her. Then have the person initial here. __________________
  3. Get seven leaders to sign the back of this sheet.
  4. Find someone who has a birthday this month and sing "Happy Birthday" to them. Have the person initial here. __________________
  5. Find someone to listen to you say "toy boat" ten times quickly. Then have them initial here. __________________
  6. Get three other people to link arms with you and do the cheer "lean to the left, lean to the right, stand up, sit down, fight, fight, fight!" Have each person initial here. __________________
  7. Give someone your ugliest face and have them initial here. __________________
  8. With two other people, face the front of the room, put your hand over your heart, and say the "Pledge of Allegiance" in unison. Initial each other's papers. __________________
  9. Rub noses with someone of the opposite sex. Have them initial here. __________________
  10. Have some tell you about the best Christmas gift they ever received. Then have them initial here. __________________
  11. Find someone who showed an animal at the local fair. Have them initial here. __________________
  12. Get a hair over 5 inches long from someone else's head. (Let them pull it out!) Have the person initial here. __________________
  13. Give someone a backrub and have them initial here. __________________
  14. Find someone who has blue eyes and have them initial here. __________________
  15. Find someone who is left-handed and have them initial here. __________________

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